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Complete each gap with one word.

(1) ______ of the heat trapped by the emission of greenhouse gases is going straight into the oceans, (2) ______ had a record year for heat in 2022, a recent study shows. The steep increase (3) ______ ocean temperatures is a clearer and better indicator of the climate crisis (4) ______  atmospheric temperatures that can be affected (5) ______ year-to-year occurrences such as the La Niña effect, (6) ________ to Michael Mann, a climate scientist at the University of Pennsylvania.

“Some years ago we proved that we expect the series of record-breakers to continue as (7) ______ as we keep on warming the planet, but with these sorts of temporary interruptions due to natural variability,” he said. “So (8) ______ we’re seeing here is what we expect.”

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