ELT Gamers
Goal 1: 1,000+ games
We make waves
We open up minds
We find solutions
The game is here.
Click on the image below.

Children like games. Adults like games, come to that. It’s a fact of life which we need to warm up to if we are to deliver enjoyable lessons. Kids have introduced games into all aspects of their lives. Furthermore, they expect us to be able to catch up with them, not just sit expressionless wondering what it is they’re talking about. They ask us questions about words they come across in their games. If this is not active learning, I wonder what is.
Online game-building tools
A multitude of free online tools is available, literally one click away from the creative teacher. These are cool tools, indeed! They enable the average teacher, a person that does not necessarily possess extraordinary computer, internet or programming skills, to produce his or her own games and publish them online. These games range from word search activities, to Pacman (yes, Pacman!) exercises, even shooting arcade games.
Site content
This site is dedicated to ELT gaming. A site which, eventually, will be enriched on a daily basis with the contributions of thousands of teachers around the world. It will contain games, mostly grammar and vocabulary, designed or proposed by all of us.
Why become a member?
Free Membership will entitle you to:
your name on the members’ list
hyperlink to your site, blog or fb account
free access to the full range of the material of the site
for you
for your students
the possibility to propose more material
special discounts for game-design seminars
special discounts for state-of-the-art interactive material