Simplicity itself!
Each player starts off with 500 Ls.
Place your pawn at the START square.
Every time you cross the START square, get another 300 Ls to keep you going.
Roll the dice and move your pawn accordingly.
If you land on a Street square, you can buy a house.
Cost of the house: 100 Ls
If you land on a question square, pick up a question from the right stack, marked “questions”.
Read it out loud for everyone to hear, and answer it.
Get it right, and you win 100 Ls.
Get it wrong, and you lose 100 Ls.
The game ends when all the questions have been answered.
Players add up their money and houses.
Of course, there are no winners or losers! Everybody has won because everybody has learnt something.

1 board
2 dice
6 pawns
25 houses
60 100-L banknotes
210 question cards
If you step on an address square, answer a question PRIOR to buying a house. If you answer correctly, get the house for free.
If you don't, pay its price and buy it, or don't buy it at all.
If you step on another player's property, you can choose to answer a question.
If you answer correctly, you don't have to pay rent, and the landowner gets his / her rent from the bank.